See below for more granular Ts&Cs, but here are the headlines for returned tickets/refunds to our events:

  • Summer Camp - Tickets can be returned or refunded up to 80 days before the event starts. Tickets are not refundable or exchangeable within 60 days of the event. If you miss an event, we cannot refund you. If you get in touch between 60-80 days of the event, we can roll your credit amount into the following year.

  • Feasts - tickets can be returned or refunded up to 7 days before the event starts. Tickets are not refundable or exchangeable within 7 days of the event. If you miss an event, we cannot refund you.


"Agent" means the organisation (which may include us) from whom you have purchased this Ticket.

 "Event" means the event to be held at the Venue in respect of which you have bought this ticket.

"Terms" means these terms and conditions.

"Ticket" means any ticket for you to attend an Event.

"Venue" means the venue where the Event is held.

"We" means "Us" and "Our" shall be read accordingly.

 "You" means you as the holder of this Ticket and "Your" shall be read accordingly. 

  1. These terms incorporate, and should be read together with, any venue’s and/or agent’s terms, conditions and regulations, which you can obtain from the venue and/or agent.

  2. Your possession of this ticket constitutes your acceptance of these terms.

  3. Tickets are personal revocable licences and shall at all times remain our property and subject to the terms. 

  4. It is your responsibility to check this ticket prior to the event, and contact us immediately if there is a problem, as mistakes may not be rectified on the day of the event.

  5. Please contact us in advance of the event if you have any specific access requirements.

  6. You must retain this ticket on your person at all times during the Event.

  7. Where reasonably necessary, we reserve the right to make alterations to the published event or programme.  Our liability for the cancellation, rescheduling or material change to an event is limited to the refund set out in condition 8 below.

  8. We will not refund or exchange this ticket unless the event is cancelled or re-scheduled or there is a material change to the event (such that in our reasonable opinion the event is materially different to what a purchaser of the ticket might reasonably have expected when purchasing the ticket).  The use of understudies shall not be a material change.    

  9. If an event is rescheduled or materially changed you must claim your refund in good time before the rescheduled or materially changed event takes place, if an event is cancelled, you must claim your refund within 3 months from the date of the event.

  10. Personal arrangements including travel, subsistence and accommodation relating to the event which have been arranged by you are at your own risk.

  11. We will not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage to your personal belongings, other than caused as a result of our negligence. 

  12. You may not re-sell or transfer this ticket if in our reasonable opinion you are doing so in the course of business. We will consider that a ticket has be re-sold or transferred in the course of business if it is sold for a profit (i.e. for higher than the face value of the ticket plus the booking or handling fee). Any ticket sold in the course of business will become voidable and we reserve the right to refuse admission to the holder of the ticket or eject the holder from the Venue. Void tickets are non-refundable

  13. If you have obtained this ticket in breach of these terms and/or if you breach any of these terms then it shall be void, and all rights conferred on you or evidenced by such ticket shall be void. If you seek to gain entry to an event using a void ticket then we reserve the right to eject you from the event and you may be liable to legal action for trespass. Void tickets are non-refundable

  14. We reserve the right to refuse you entry to and/or eject you (without refund) from the event and/or venue in reasonable circumstances including without limitation for health and safety, anti-social behaviour or licensing reasons; if you behave in a manner which has or is likely to affect the enjoyment of other persons at the Event; if you use threatening, abusive or insulting words or mannerisms; if in our reasonable opinion you are acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs; if you fail, when required, to produce proof of identity or age; if you breach these terms; or if your ticket is void.

  15. We reserve the right to conduct security searches from time to time including searches upon exit of the event site and to refuse admission to you, or eject you, from the event and/or venue should you refuse to comply with such security searches.

  16. We reserve the right to confiscate any item, which in our reasonable opinion may cause danger or disruption to any other persons at the event.

  17. You must comply with any and all instructions given to you by venue and/or event staff and stewards.

  18. You shall not use equipment for recording or transmitting (by digital or any other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data inside any venue or at any event, and you shall not bring such equipment into any venue or event.

  19. You give your express consent to your actual or simulated likeness to be included for no fee within any film, photograph, audio and/or audio visual recording to be exploited in any and all media for any purpose at any time throughout the world. This includes filming by the police or security staff which may be carried out for the security of customers or the prevention of crime

  20. We may prosecute you if you cause damage to the Venue, the Venue infrastructure, or cause harm to any other person at the Event and/or Venue. 

  21. If before or during the event you have a complaint in relation to the event (including without limitation in relation to your ability to view the event), please contact us or a steward promptly since complaints are very difficult to deal with after the event.

  22. WARNING: Excessive exposure to loud music may cause damage to your hearing. Please note that lasers, smoke machines, strobe lighting or other special effects may take place during some performances.

  23. Attendees in possession of Prohibited Items may be refused entry or ejected from the Site. Any Prohibited Items which are surrendered as a condition of entry to the Site shall be deemed to be surrendered irrevocably and voluntarily. Any such items will be unable to be reclaimed and shall be disposed of by The Good Life Society without any liability.

    The following items are specifically prohibited from being brought onto the Site or made use of on the Site:
    (a) Illegal substances;
    (b) Open fires, or tin foil barbecue or equivalent devices which could potentially damage grassed areas;
    (c) Generators or any other petrol fuelled apparatus;
    (d) Any item which may be interpreted as a potential weapon and/or compromise public safety, including sharp or pointed objects (e.g. knives), ‘personal protection’ sprays;
    (e) Fireworks/flares/explosives/Chinese lanterns or other pyrotechnic devices;
    (f) Sound systems;
    (g) Laughing gas;
    (h) Lasers and strobe lighting;
    (i) Psychoactive substance within the meaning of the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016;
    (j) Gas cylinders in excess of 5Kg

    Visitors in possession of Prohibited Items may be refused entry or ejected from the Site.

  24. All under 18 year olds must be accompanied by an adult. Unaccompanied children will not be admitted to the festival.


Some important things to note.

This will keep you safe, and our site sustainable for future events, please:

  • No portable heaters in tents

  • No smoking in tents

  • Campfires only in designated areas

  • No use of accelerants when lighting fires

  • Prepare for the weather, both during the day and into the night. The right clothes/bedding will make the world of difference.

  • Pack sun cream and bring a water bottle, we have lots of refill stations.

  • Note that Lyme Disease and various disease and infection can stem from contact with excrement and decaying animals - do not touch, sanitise and clean hands regularly.

  • Note the uneven ground across our site.

  • Bring a torch for night time.

  • Use footwear in shared facilities like showers (it is advised to bring flip flops or sandals).

  • Expect clearly labelled bin areas with lids fitted to bins. 

  • Notify us of any food allergies in advance.

  • Note the location of our local pharmacy available for hay fever advice and remedies - Boots, Broughton Park.

  • Keep all pets under control and be respectful of other’s fears of pets.

Our VAT No is: 219 7722 86

Our postal address is: The Good Life Experience LTD, Hawarden Estate, Pedlars Central Castle Court, Castle Grounds, Hawarden, Wales, CH5 3NY